Julia Saffer

Ceramic Art


I was born and grew up in Forchheim, Oberfranken. After graduation from school I started my working life as an electronic technician. I quit my job after almost 10 years in this profession to make my dream from teenage days come true: working with ceramics. I visited the State Technical Collage of Ceramics in Höhr-Grenzhausen to become a ceramic designer. During my graduation year I had the opportunity to do a guest semester at the Institute of Ceramic and Glass Art, in support of the incipient steps on my way as ceramic artist. This was followed by another support year, after graduation, at the State Technical Collage of Ceramics, and I used the opportunity to find and consolidate my position in the world of ceramics. Since then I have been successfully participating in internationally advertised competitions and exhibitions in Germany, Latvia, Croatia, France, Austria, Spain and Korea. Furthermore I have been awarded with several honorable mentions. Since 2016 I have lived and worked in Höhr-Grenzhausen where I hope to successfully continue my chosen path as a ceramicist.

My ceramic work is a symbol for the circles of life and the many repetitions and recurring processes which resemble each other and comprehensively take place everywhere, every day. Development, growth, rhythm and symmetry play a decisive part in my works. Segmentations point out fresh beginnings and evolution. They form intermediate steps, always in harmony with the whole form. Everything is continuous, merging and flowing. Despite the static of the objects, motion is the driving force. The spiral is the basic element of all my works and it is a symbol for union, harmony, the connection between life and death. The spiral is, like time, endlessly in motion – without a beginning and without an end. Furthermore it is the underlying form of all energy and therefore the basis of my work.